Monday, 21 October 2013

Child Protection & Community Systems End of Project Evaluation at Save the Children in Kenya

Job Title: Child Protection & Community Systems End of Project Evaluation

Company: Save the Children

Job Location: Nairobi Kenya

I. Background

Save the Children is the leading independent organization working in over 120 countries around the world.  The vision of the organization is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Save the Children began supporting children in Kenya even before the country attained its independence in 1963 and has been operational in Kenya since 1984, providing support to children through developmental and humanitarian relief programmes delivered both directly and through local partners.

Current programming focuses on child protection, child rights governance, education, health, HIV/AIDS, livelihoods, nutrition and WASH.

Save the Children has an operational presence in Nairobi and its environs, Dadaab Refugee Camp, Habaswein, Mandera, Meru, and Wajir and works through partners in Tharaka, Mombasa, Kwale, Vihiga, Sabatia, Suba, and Mbita.

With funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, The CRADLE – The Children Foundation has been implementing since January 2011, a three (3) year project titled ‘The Child Protection and Community Support Project’ in partnership with Save the Children.

The local partner The CRADLE - The Children's Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit making and non-governmental organization committed to the protection, promotion and enhancement of the rights of the child through court representation, advocacy and law reform, and with over 10 years’ experience.

The project is being implemented in two (2) Counties namely Kwale at the Coast region and Homabay in Nyanza region as well as at national level through strategic advocacy.

The project seeks to realize a comprehensive and effective national child protection system to deal with child abuses at community level and enhance the capacity of communities to break the silence and take preventive, protective and retributive action on abuse of children.

The project is contributing to the Save the Children Finland’s (SCF) International Programme Strategy and its thematic priority “Promoting, protecting and fulfilling all children’s right to protection”.

The project thus contributes directly to the SCF Global Outcome

1: ‘More children access quality child protection services’; the Global Outcome

2: ‘More children benefit from pro-child policies, legislation and mechanisms’; the Global Outcome

3: ‘Strong civil societies and local communities support the realization of children’s rights’ and the Global Outcome

4: ‘Children are able to express their views and influence decision-making in the SCF child protection projects’.

The project also contributes to the Save the Children Kenya Country Strategy Plan (2013-2015) and its strategic objectives of:
Children without Appropriate Care (CWAC) benefit from quality alternative care and protection services in their own families, or when necessary, in family/kinship and community-based care alternatives.
Children are protected from sexual abuse and exploitation and have better access to local and national care and protection system.
The Project Impact is:

Children are protected from all forms of abuse

The Project Outcomes are:

1. Enhanced access to child protection services for children in the intervention areas

2. Children Protection Policy and Legislative Framework strengthened and implemented

The Project Outputs are:

1. Effective and Child Friendly Community child protection structures in place in target intervention areas

2. Communities and children awareness on child protection enhanced in target intervention areas

3. Increased government capacity to enforcet national child protection laws / and policies in intervention areas

4. Key Child protection policy and legislative frameworks  strengthened revised and/or Developed

The project targeted to directly reach a total of 1400 children (700 Boys and 700 Girls) in Suba, Mbita, Kwale and Msambweni Districts in Homabay and Coast Counties respectively, consisting of 900 (450 Girls, 450 Boys) survivors of violence and 500 (250 Girls, 250 Boys) children in school clubs.

The project targeted to directly reach 18,180 adults consisting of 10,000 community radio listeners, 8,000 (4000 Men, 4000 Women) community members attending bazaars, 40 (20 Men, 20 Women) community leaders, 40 (20 Men, 20 Women) government duty bearers and 100 (50 Men, 50 Women) AACs members.

Indirectly the project aimed to reach 5,000 community members and 50 policy makers through IEC materials. In addition, all children in Kenya would benefit indirectly through effective child protection systems, policy change and improved implementations.

Project Outcomes were to be achieved through capacity building of rights holders and strengthening existing community based child protection structures and duty bearers; targeted awareness raising; and advocacy on legal reforms.

The various forms of abuses occur in a number of settings including in the homes of children, institutions of learning, children’s institutions, on the streets and in conflict situations.

Child protection systems are therefore comprehensive approaches to the protection of children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence and to the fulfillment of children’s rights to protection.

II. Purpose of the Evaluation

The overall objective of this evaluation is to assess and learn from the process and achievements of the Child Protection project, document the lessons learnt and advice on future child protection programming.

III. Objectives of the Evaluation

The overall objective is to evaluate the achieved outcomes and outputs, implementation strategies and document the lessons learnt.

The evaluation specifically seeks to:

1. Indicate for each expected outcomes and outputs what has been accomplished in relation to what has been stated in the project document and logical framework.

2. Provide an analysis of the project performance, strengths and challenges and assessed the overall effects of the intervention (intended and unintended, short-term and long-term, positive and negative).

3. Assess and discuss the status of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.

Relevance: To what extend is the project suited to the priorities and policies of the target group, beneficiaries and donor.

To what extent are the outcomes and the outputs of the project still valid?

Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the outcomes and the overall impact?

Was the project or programme appropriate for the context where it was implemented?

To what extent has it taken into account people’s different needs according to age, gender, ethnicity and other social identities?

How has the project adapted to meet those differing needs?

How has the project ensured that children’s voices are heard and reflected, both in project activities and more broadly, in our interaction with governments and other stakeholders?

Effectiveness: Did Save the Children and the partners implement the project as planned and if not, why not?

Did the project cause a particular change in children’s lives or the lives of others, especially in relation to protection outcomes, or other indicators of success?

How significant was this change and how did it happen?

What component(s) and element(s) of the project or programme were responsible for the change?

To what extent were the outcomes and outputs achieved/are likely to be achieved?

What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the outcomes and outputs?

Were the partnerships appropriate?

Have they been managed effectively?

Efficiency: Were activities cost-efficient?  Were objectives achieved on time? Was the project implemented in the most efficient way compared to alternatives? How has knowledge been shared?

Sustainability: Will the changes caused by the project continue beyond the life of the project? How has the project worked with local partners / children / families / communities and government to increase their capacity in a sustainable way? What were the major factors that influenced the achievement or non-achievement of sustainability of the project?

4. Assess to what extent and how the project has increased the awareness on child rights of primary duty bearers, communities, children, partners and other stakeholders. Also assess the capacity of the communities to prevent and protect children from violations and hold duty bearers to account.

5. Assess the partnership between the two organisations: achievements, strengths and challenges; including the management structures and the impact of the SCI transition process.

6. Assess the extent/effectiveness of coordination with partner agencies, community, children, local leaders and relevant devolved units (counties and sub-counties) offices.

7. Assess the monitoring and advocacy strategies of the project: what kinds of systems/methods were used, if any and how effective they were.

8. Assess the value added through incorporating Child Participation into the project cycle.

9. Based on the evaluation findings, make recommendations for future programming in child protection.

IV. Evaluation Design and Methodology

The study is expected to adhere to the principles of child rights based programming including: participation and inclusion, nondiscrimination and accountability and the rule of law.

It will comprise a desk review of existing literature, field visits for data collection and interviews with all stakeholders, including children. The consultant(s) will review existing secondary documents to acquire complete understanding of child protection issues nationally and within the target counties.

Using a right’s based approach (i.e. ensuring all human rights including child rights are observed); the consultant(s) will involve and utilize key stakeholders, especially children and project staff in all aspects of the research. Participation of institutions both at government (national and local) and community level is essential as they are key stakeholders. All data will be gender and geographical area disaggregated.

The field visits will include key informant interviews, focused group discussions among other participatory methods with teachers, pupils, paralegals, Beach Management Committees (BMC) School Management Committee (SMC) members, Area Advisory Council (AAC) members, relevant government officers and other community leaders.

Both qualitative and quantitative outcome and output indicator data will be collected.

The consultant(s) will be responsible for designing the data collection tools based on project indicators and results framework for the study in consultation with Save the Children and The CRADLE staff.

The consultant will facilitate a half day validation workshop with Save the Children staff, partners, government officials and other key stakeholders to validate initial outcomes of the evaluation.

V. Organization, Roles and Responsibilities

Services and Deliverables

Responsibility of Save the Children
Develop the TOR and draw the contract for consultancy services for the study
Provide necessary project background materials and information
Provide technical and logistical (transport and meals) support to the consultants during the field visits and as otherwise required during the study period
Through project partners’ support in project areas, mobilize and schedule visits/meetings with various stakeholders and beneficiaries to participate in the research study as agreed
Cover the costs of the consultants as per the contractual agreement including reasonable and verified costs towards accommodation and transport to the various project sites.
Review and provide comments to the evaluation methodology draft, research’s draft tools and draft and final reports according to the set time frame
Assist to organize validation presentations at the National level with relevant stakeholders
Approve the final documents
Responsibility of the Consultant(s)

The consultant(s) will assume the overall responsibility for designing, coordinating, analyzing and reporting on the participatory study within the terms of reference.

The Consultant(s) shall:

1. Design the study methodology:

Save the Children expects that the study will draw on both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques, focusing on adherence to child rights. The proposed methodology will include appropriate sampling methodologies and provide the rationale for the adopted sampling design.

The research design should employ participatory methods, including child appropriate techniques and consent gathering tools.

Data will be disaggregated by gender and geographical area.  Save the Children will review and approve the study methodology prior to the collection of any data collection.

2. Develop tools: Develop the necessary documentation and tools for undertaking the study in consultation with relevant staff and partners.

3. Collect data: The consultant will be responsible for the entire process of data collection and analysis. Collected data should be disaggregated by gender and geographical area.  Quantitative data will be described in terms of statistical significance and representation of all findings noted.

4. Submit first draft report to Save the Children and The CRADLE, who will provide written and/or oral feedback.

5. Present findings to Save the Children and key stakeholders identified jointly by Save the Children and the consultants.  The consultant will present the study findings (draft report) Save the Children, the partner and CP project stakeholders before finalizing the evaluation.  During the validation workshop the consultant will collect feedback for consideration in revisions to the final report.

6. Submit a final report: Provide a comprehensive, clear, and detailed report in soft copy (PDF and Microsoft Word).  The core report should be no more than 40 pages with a short Executive Summary, but annexes can be used to illustrate details.

VI. Duration / Timeline  

The duration and timeline for this evaluation shall be 25 consultancy days and between November 4th and December 13th 2013 respectively.

The proposed days shall be divided as follows: 1 day – briefing with SC, 4- Desk review, 10 data collection in the two counties, 4 – Preparation of draft report, 1 presentation of findings/validation workshop and 5 submission of final report.

VI. Consultant’s Skills and Experience
A minimum of a Master’s Degree in Human Rights and/or Social Sciences or in another relevant field.
Proven experience in conducting evaluations, analyzing data and reporting high level knowledge of participatory data collection and sampling methodologies; superior writing skills – at least 3 evaluations of this caliber and relevant to this assignment conducted in the past 5 years.
Proven experience using participatory approaches; in the field of child rights, child protection and child participation.

The Consultant(s) must sign and abide by the Save the Children Child safeguarding Code of Conduct, which is a statement of Save the Children’s commitment to preventing abuse and protecting children with whom it comes into contact.

Save the Children believes that the situation of children must be improved through the promotion of their rights as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

This includes the right to freedom from abuse and exploitation.

The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service.

The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children.

Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if Save the Children discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

VII. Instruction for Submission of Proposal:

Click here to Download the Expression of Interest Form

How to Apply:

All interested qualified individuals or consultancy firms are requested to submit the following by electronic means to the following address:

A cover letter expressing interest
Company profile including capacity to respond to this task
Recent CVs of all professional(s) proposed to work on this study
Three (3) recent and traceable references
A technical proposal in detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus addressing the scope of work and methodology to be used.
A financial proposal in Kenya shillings outlining the overall budget required to achieve the task as outlined in your proposal. This should include cost of transportation and meals during the field work.
VIII. Key Documents to be reviewed:
Project Plan & Logframe and Child Rights Situational Analysis
Relevant national policies and strategies
Quarterly and Annual Reports, Mid Term Review
Monitoring Reports
Baseline Study
CP IEC materials

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Application Deadline: 25th Oct 2013

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